Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our puppy just died of parvo...?

Well, there are two sides to every story, but I tend to agree with you. I think the vet should have told you the prognosis before spending the money on trying to treat Parvo, which btw, once a dog has it, especially a younger dog, it is 95% deadly. It probably came to your home with it. About the toenails, they should have known not to cut them that short, but I've seen some dogs with nails so long it is inhumane, and I know if I was a vet, I would try to "get a handle on them" not saying your dogs were like that, but about the dog that died with experimental surgery, that is what "experimental" surgery means. Depending on what state you live in you can file a complaint with your State Board of Veternarian Medicine. They will througherly research your case, they usually side with the Vet. We went to the same vet for 40 years and then another vet took over their office, and it became a "chain". We stayed with them for awhile longer, but realized they were not giving our dogs the care we expected, so thus began a long journey in finding a bettter vet. Asked around to all my friends at my local Kennel Club, and so many of them swore by this one vet. I didn't care for him at all. Ended up going to "specialists" for whatever was needed, except for routine care which I found a very kindly vet who is very conservative in his treatment and doesn't charge an arm and leg. You got to shop around. If they have a really crowded office and the treatment rooms are small, I hate that! I like the looks of a more State-Of-The-Art, newer places, that give you a lot of hand outs on after treatment care. I am so sorry about your puppy. I always give my puppies 5 shots of DHLPP. I know a lot of people are against them, but I am NOT!

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