Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do you guys think she feels?

I met this gir at aprtyand basically we it it off right away I spent all night talking to her and we ended up just cuddling and falling asleep with each other we talked the next day and weve jept talking since. She says thatsh fels like shes known me a lot longer than she ihas and feel the same.Ive told her that im starting to like her and asked her if she is just seeing me as a friend or if i have the potential for something more later on. and she "idk yet im just ing with the flow" she texts me first everytime or calls me I dont call her. she texted me the night we went home and we talk every night for a few hours or all nighht sometimes. but she did throw one text at me that said she feels like she knows me better than some of her best frends to ich i told her again that i was reallystarting to like her. ive already earned that you have to make sure she knows how you feel or you get stuck and im not the kind of guy to hang in the background or be the guy the girl i like comes to with guy problems id rather quit talking to her and look at it as i lost out. so im wondering what someone elses opinion is and what you think i should do. Also she had a boy friend up until a few days before i met her. but I dont want to hear the rebound talk ill take my chances thank you. and thanks in advance for any advice given

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